"Play is the work of the Child." Maria Montessori
A Montessori education is separated into three-year age groups called planes of development. Doctor Maria Montessori believed that children changed dramatically from one plane to another but when children worked together in mixed age groups the children had a real-life opportunity. She believed that traditional school was the only place that children would ever work with only people their own age. Therefore, it makes more sense to prepare them to work in mixed groups right from the beginning. First year students have mentors, in the older children, to observe studying lessons beyond their understanding. The oldest children have the opportunities to be leaders. This creates a classroom of community and not competition.
Early Education or the Primary Classroom
Ages 3 to the end of Kindergarten
The early childhood, also called primary classroom, is when children are in the 'Absorbent Mind'. Here we will find children in deep concentration, working mostly alone in subjects that interest them. Children in this plane are in their sensitive periods for learning language and math. Children's vocabulary is expanding rapidly in this classroom and the teacher give lessons based on learning new nomenclature. Children are spoken to with the same respect as adults using vocabulary to expand their knowledge. Students are also in their sensitive period for math with some students becoming so focused on counting or multiplication that they continue to practice at home for fun.
The classrooms are unusually quiet for the number of children present. Using our Peace curriculum, the children are kind and often work through their social problems on their own or with the help of the older mentors in the classroom. Children learn to respect one another's work space while also learning to work together. They are expected to put work away, sweep, wash their lunch spot or clean up messes to the best of their ability after being taught how. Our classroom encompasses the traditional areas of Montessori education including, Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, Geography, Science and Peace Education.
Lower Elementary ages 6-9 and Upper Elementary ages 9-12 Classrooms
The elementary plane of development differs greatly from the primary plane. Instead of having an 'Absorbent mind' they are said to have a 'Mathematical Mind'. Maria Montessori has said it is our duty as teachers to give the children the universe. We start with the great lessons to give the children an overview of the history of universe. These lessons are given in story form and include many theories, creation stories and religions. We then give them theories for creation of the first life, and the origin of writing, math and geometry. This also gives them appreciation for all the people that have contributed to the knowledge of man. Children in this plane of development are searching for their 'cosmic task', or their purpose in life. In order to know where to start, children need to be given context. After introducing them to the universe, we encourage them to research their interests and teachers will then incorporate traditional academics into those subjects.
Children in this plane are capable of completing more complex work. Students complete follow up work to most of their lessons. This work is often self-chosen work. Children may be seen using cardboard cutters, hot glue guns and acrylic paint to make Egyptian Zyggurats following a history lesson or using a sewing machine to create a stuffed animal following an animal research essay.
Our classroom encompasses the traditional areas of a Montessori elementary education such as Language Arts, Math, History, Geography, Geometry, Art, Music, Peace Education, Practical Life and all of the sciences.